Monday, January 13, 2014

Corner to Corner Afghan

I recently started my first Corner To Corner afghan. I had seen so many people post pictures of them online that I loved that I finlly had to give it a try even if it meant another large project in my WIPs (works in progress).
The written instructions (download here were confusing, so I used the video tutorial provided by Mikey at the Crochet Crowd and understood in just a couple minutes what to do.
It's not often I have trouble with a written pattern, but in this case I never would have been able to do it without this video.
I had initially planned on finishing this before the end of January; but, it doesn't look like that is going to happen. I just can't make myself stick to working on this for any length of time while I obsess on the Year in Hexies I am dying to work on more. Instead, I do a couple rows a day and it will get done when it gets done.
Deadlines make me dread projects more anyhow. ;)
I had not initially planned on using the Candy Print yarn, but I made my all too common mistake of starting a project before checking the amount of yarn needed. In fact, I didnt even think to check until I had already finished the first 4 colors.  I REALLY didn't expect the pattern to call for 12 skeins! So, I had to bulk out my supply and the Candy Print was the only other yarn in my stash that fit. I just wish I had placed it at a different point in the rows. That's what I get for jumping in without proper planning, and for being too stubborn to frog back to where the color should go. All in all I don't think it's too bad though.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

A Year in Hexies - February

It's growing quickly.  

I have to admit I wasn't able to cope with the one a day thing so I sped ahead and did more like 10 a day and have been saving this post for weeks to publish the last day of February.

Also, the boys lost interest in choosing yarns by the end of January's hexies, so I've been giving the stash to my daughter and letting her put the whole thing in order, then she does it again after I've made one of each yarn.  I am working with approximately 40 solid colors and I kind of wish I had more to choose from.

I was unable to get my hands on some variegated yarns I wanted, so I ended up making them by tying lengths of the colors I wanted together. (See the 17th for President's Day)  It's not a perfect solution, but in the end I like the effect. 

Anyhoo, here are this month's yarns and the days I used them.  :)

RHSS - Red Heart Super Saver
RHWL - Red Heart With Love

Date = Day # - Yarn (Holiday)

1 = 32 - RHSS Shocking Pink
2 = 33 - RHSS Shaded Browns (Groundhog Day)
3 = 34 - Caron One Pound Jonquil
4 = 35 - RHSS PurpleTones (2 Birthdays)
5 = 36 - unknown Olive Green
6 = 37 - RHSS Dark Orchid
7 = 38 - RHWL Chocolate
8 = 39 - RHWL Lilac
9 = 40 - RHSS Orchid
10 = 41 - RHSS Spring Green
11 = 42 - Pop 'N Yarn Royal Blue
12 = 43 - RHWL Bubblegum
13 = 44 - RHSS Bright Yellow
14 = 45 - RHWL - Plum Jam (Valentine's Day)
15 = 46 - RHWL Blue Hawaii
16 = 47 - RHWL Hot Pink
17 = 48 - RHSS Royal, White & Cherry Red (President's Day)
18 = 49 - RHSS Shocking Pink
19 = 50 - RHSS Orchid
20 = 51 - Pop 'N Yarn Flame Red
21 = 52 - RHWL Violet
22 = 53 - RHWL Boysenberry
23 = 54 - Caron One Pound Peach
24 = 55 - unknown dark green
25 = 56 - RHSS Pumpkin
26 = 57 - RHSS Light Blue
27 = 58 - RHSS Purple Tones (Birthday)
28 = 59 - RHSS Cherry Red

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

And So It Grows Rug

Over the years I have made countless attempts at turning all my, my mother's, my grandmother's, and even an aunt's leftover yarn into SOMETHING.
My first attempt was a granny squares afghan when I was about 14. I was not skilled enough back then to have my squares come out even remotely similar in size from day to day. Clearly, I had not mastered tension yet.  So, I tore them all apart.
Next I tried to make one single giant granny square. It buckled all over the place and was a horrible looking thing by the time it was about 5 feet across. So, I tore it apart again, and it sat in a bag for a couple years.
Next attempt was a popcorn blanket.  This came out better, but I set my goal much too high and had attempted to make it large enough for a queen size bed. and with the popcorn stitches it ate yarn like crazy and I ran out when I had a strip roughly 6ft wide and only 2.5 feet high. I was also ridiculously sick of doing the popcorn stitch by then.Again, I frogged it.
I let the yarn all sit in a tote for a good 10 years, always nagging at me from whatever corner or closet it lived in, until I decided to try again.
About two years ago I picked up my hook again to make some throw blankets for my kids for Christmas, and decided to give the Scrapghan another go, pairing the yarns in the bin with a second strand of plain white. This looked beautiful, but again had to be frogged when I discovered I STILL had not mastered turning and tended to randomly lose a stitch on the turn. I was off to improve my skills before another try.
It sat waiting again for another year, when the yarn I had added grew the piles so much, and I had improved my skills enough, that I decided to try to make a six strand rug from it all instead.
The first time I tried a basic circle that increases with each row. I'd done these in single and double strand amigurumi many times with no problems, so it should be a cinch, right?  Notsomuch.
By the time the rug/circle was 5.5 feet across it buckled so badly I would never be able to use it as a rug. So, I frogged it and hunted for a different pattern, and eventually settled on a hexagonal granny type rug. 
Another disappointment. It laid flat but the holes in the pattern were so large that no one would be able to walk on it barefoot without risk of snagged and broken toes. Frog again.
Now I am back to trying the circle rug again, and not sure even now that it will work out. Its about 2 feet across and buckles a tad bit, but will flatten out if I walk all over it for a while.  I am hoping beyond hope that it doesn't get any worse, but honestly don't feel too positive about it. It seems too similar to how the first round rug attempt went. I figure I will know for sure some time around the 5 foot mark again, as that seems to be as far as I ever get.
IF I end up having to frog it again, I would honestly probably be better off going through the hell of separating all the huge six strand balls of yarn back into single or double strand balls and just going back to the two strand afghan, but I REALLY don't want to go through that again because it is a horribly complicated tangly mess.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

A Year In Hexies - January

RHSS = Red Heart Super Saver
RHWL = Red Heart With Love

1: RHSS - White
2: RHSS - Light Blue
3: RHWL - Cherry Red
4: RHSS - Spring Green
5: RHWL - Evergreen
6: RHWL - Hot Pink
7: RHSS.- Royal
8: Caron Sayelle - Light Rose
9: RHSS - Vibrant Orange
10: RHSS - Amethyst
11: Pop'N Yarn - Flame Red
12: RHWL - Iced Aqua
13: RH Soft - Grape
14: RHSS - Gold
15: RHSS - Emerald
16: RHWL - Boysenberry
17: RHWL - Black
18: Caron One Pound - Peach
19: RHSS - Hot Red
20: RHSS - Zebra  (Martin Luther King Day)
21: RHSS - Pumpkin
22: RHWL - Bubblegum
23: Unknown Olive Green
24: Pop 'N Yarn - Royal Blue
25: RHSS - Petal Pink
26: RHWL - Grape Jam
27: RHWL - Blue Hawaii
28: RHWL - Violet
29: RHSS - Claret
30: RHSS - Bright Yellow
31: Unknown Dark Green

Monday, January 6, 2014

A Year in Hexies

I was perusing Facebook the other day and saw someone mention that they are doing a Mood Calendar CAL (crochet along). I was curious, so I ran to Google to find out more about it. I found the site hosting the CAL (need to add link later from my pc) found here  which consisted of making a granny square a day all year long, and the color each day would reflect your basic mood that day.
I liked the idea, but after toying around decided to alter it into my own year long project.
I am making one small hexagon a day, every day for all of 2014 (exact pattern for the hexies found here ) in any random color my kids choose. Nearly all will be Red Heart Super Saver or Red Heart With Love as the kids will be choosing from my current stash. Occasionally there will be a Caron One Pound or mystery yarn I obtained with no label at Goodwill .  I decided on hexagons because they lend better to a grand total of 365 if I use the last 7 to make a pillow to go with the afghan, and simply because I have never made anything from them before.
I did decide to make most days solid colors, but holidays, birthdays, and anniversaries will be made from vaerigated yarns or involve a color change in the rounds so they stand out a bit. Hopefully I can make those at least somewhat reflect the holiday they mark with the colors I use.
Since I decided on this project on January 4th and really wanted to finish the project entirely in 2014, I quickly ripped out 4 hexies and stitched them together in whatever yarns were close to where I sat. 
Yay for being all caught up! I choose to celebrate that while I still can because I have tremendous difficulty sticking to long term projects. ;)
From that point on, any non holiday hexie yarns will be chosen by my kids. 
Child #2 went first as he was standing closest to me when I decided to let them pick the colors.  Child #3 chose the next day because she isn't very good at waiting. Child #1 is last because he is the eldest and has the most patience. :)  I will continue to rotate in that order to keep it fair to all my little monsters.
Im still trying to decide if I should post a picture weekly or monthly, but for now I will add a picture of what the first week looks like. I hope you like it, and feel free to join me in this project. I'd love to have company to keep me motivated!