I decided a couple years ago, right before I lost my crojo, to make temperature blankets for the years my children were born, and to gift those afghans to them.
I printed out temperature charts for all 3 years. I chose as many colors as I could and put them in rainbow order, and divided the number of degrees I needed to span by the number of colors to determine how many degrees each color would be.
I chose to use the flower stitch on my daughter's blanket, and the boys both chose the Trail of Tears/Groovyghan pattern for theirs. Any larger stitch patterns would make the blankets insanely long. As it is, my daughters will be large enough for a queen bed.
I got everything ready and got started. I made it through January 2008 before I suddenly lost my crojo, and it went into the tote with the colors and stayed there for a couple years. I didn't pick it back up until I had finished the Heirloom Afghan.
That tote and the beginning of Beth's blanket were all that was left of my worsted stash.
I wasn't burned out from the heirloom afghan, so I started back on the temperature blanket, and I'm trucking right along on it! I've finished February, March, April and May; and, I am now working on June I expect to have it finished before the end of Feburary if I don't get too lost in packing and readying for the big move.